Cindy Pope
Cindy is a 2nd career artist and jewelry designer. After retiring from the accounting profession, Cindy started creating Jewelry in 2007 and fell in love with the jewelry arts. Beading was definitely her gateway drug to a fascination with metal. Once she stumbled upon metal clay she became instantly enamored of the medium. The sheer possibilities metal clay offers and the changing techniques have kept her hooked since then. Cindy started out with Precious Metal Clay Rio certification and metalsmithing classes and She is one of Hadar Jacobson’s first Cadre of Base Metal Accredited teachers. Cindy‘s work is featured many of Hadar Jacobson’s metal clay books.When Saul Bell Award winner Wanaree Tanner came out with the concept of cutting and etching metal clay with a machine designed for paper called the Silhouette Cindy Jumped on board with the new technology and has become one of the most recognized teachers in the field internationally.
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What people are saying
Your classes are just amazing and I have learned sooo much from Cindy Pope’s classes on the Silhouette machines. She breaks it down so any beginner can learn. I didn’t take my Curio out of the box for a year until I watched her class. Now I’m addicted
Beth B -
Thank you for the informational class last night, and for the notes, it looks like a great product to work with. Best Wishes,
Brenda -
You are a truly generous soul to share so much with the community. I am constantly impressed by the extra effort you put into everything you do. A true inspiration.
Bridget D.