Join Silhouette Guru, Cindy Pope and learn how to use your Silhouette Curio to create a custom designed leather journal. Yes, Cindy has done it again and is showing us all how to create an original keepsake leather journal.
Learn how to “tool” your leather with a design you create using the Silhouette software. Then see how Cindy cuts and preps the leather for Curio etching, showing you the exact settings you need to get a result you’ll flip over. Watch and see how to stain, edge finish and add a beautiful inside lining and then finish off the project with a riveted closure and some journal paper.
Get ready to fall in love with leather and all the possibilities you can create with your Silhouette Curio!
Also included for FREE, the svg file that Cindy uses in the video.
Cindy always has some fantastic BONUS videos. With this class you get the following: Engraving a Quote, Making a Journal Template, User Define Settings Set-up and Adapting your Cameo to Engrave Leather. Over 40 minutes of BONUS videos, plus design files.
The full recording and a PDF handout of resources and links is included.
No experience necessary.
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