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What people are saying
Thank you All so much! What a comprehensive, informative, And easy-to-follow Class!
Most Enjoyable… beans!
Theresa A.
Polymer Pins with Lynn Yuhr
Thank you for the venue. I learn something exciting from every video I watch.
Cheryl C.
I love Craftcast! Thank you for all the wonderful classes, and for the inspiration. While I may not immediately create the classes’ projects, the learned techniques and tips are cherished and stored in my toolbox available to utilize at the right time.
Rachel R
One of my FAVORITE Craftcast classes with Cindy Pope! I was able to make journals for all three of my adult grandchildren on my Cameo 4. Cindy explains things so well, and I’m much more confident now with the Silhouette software!
Deb S.
Will definitely promote Craftcast as it’s a brilliant platform – I’ve learned loads from the classes. It’s one of the best learning platforms – so many talented instructors AND lifetime access that doesn’t expire after a few weeks.
Ethel S.
I LOVE CraftCast. The live classes are wonderful and the value for money is amazing. The instructors are clear, concise and are generous with their knowledge, but beyond that and even better is the customer service. You are the BEST.