Frequently Asked Questions
Every crafter has his or her own CRAFTCAST™ library! Your classes are stored here so that you can watch them streaming online 24/7 on any device from any location with hi-speed internet, or download to your computer and watch there, whichever suits you!
To get to your library, login at You’ll see the login button upper right.
Once you are logged in, you will see a purple “My Library” link in the upper left menu bar.
Click that and you’ll see your classes there!
CRAFTCAST™ offers LIVE online crafting classes taught by master instructors from around the world. To attend a LIVE class means that you are online at a specific website ( at the same time as Alison and the instructor. GoToMeeting is set up so that you are able to chat your questions to the instructor in real time.
Every class is recorded on HD-quality video and your purchase of a LIVE class includes the full recording that you can watch online 24/7 on any device, or download to your computer as often as you need to. Your classes stay in your library forever.
After the class, you’ll find a link to the recording in your library. That way you never have to worry about missing a thing!
All class purchases include the class video (and sometimes a “bonus” video) plus a PDF of the instructor’s notes listing all the supplies you need to get started and where to buy them.
Click here to find the class you would like to attend, “Add to Cart” and follow the payment instructions. Make sure and click the register button right away so you will get the link and all the reminders you need to attend the live event. And, yes, you can purchase and join us even at the last minute.
Not to worry if you get distracted during the LIVE class or miss anything. Just check back into your library 24 hours after the LIVE class and you will see a link to click to watch the screencast recording.
If you login to your LIVE class webinar and do not see the class presentation screen, click the BLUE FLOWER icon to bring the webinar to the front of your desktop. The BLUE FLOWER can be found in your task bar on a PC or your dock on a MAC.
A strong broadband internet connection is the most important element. Dial-up will not work, unfortunately. We also highly recommend using the latest version of either Firefox, Safari or Chrome as your internet browser. Internet Explorer still has a bunch of glitches. For a more in depth system requirement list, click here.
Yes, you can. As long as you have a strong internet connection, you can watch videos as well attend a CRAFTCAST™ LIVE class from any of your devices, including smart phones and tablets!
For LIVE class webinars, download the gotomeeting app. That’s where you’ll go at the time of the class.
To watch streaming video classes, simply click the video on your class page and it will begin to play.
Yes, there is one way we know of: if you have Apple TV you can “toss” it up from your iPhone or iPad. If you can watch YouTube or any other browser-based options on your TV, you can log in to your library and watch. It really depends on your TV setup.
To make downloading faster, most CRAFTCAST™ videos are saved as zip files. Once a file is unzipped, you can open in the usual manner.
To download, simply click the icon under the video on your class page and it will download.
To unzip a folder on a PC, right-click the folder and “extract all files.” This will save the unzipped files to a new folder with the same name. You can then delete the zip file.
To unzip a folder on a Mac, double-click the folder and it will unzip automatically.
To open a zip file on an iPad or iPhone requires a 3rd party app like GoodReader (found on iTunes) or a similar app that opens zip files on a device. Or you can simply download the class to your main computer, add to iTunes, then sync your device.
Remember, you don’t have to download. Your classes stay in your online library forever. As long as you have a hi-speed internet connection, you can watch your classes streaming on any device 24/7!
As long as you have a good, strong internet connection, you can watch your videos on the CRAFTCAST™ website 24/7 on all your devices. Just login to your account and click “My Library.” You can watch all your purchases right there.
There are a couple of things that could be happening here. It’s likely a browser issue, or an internet connection issue.
BROWSER: What browser are you using? If Internet Explorer, IE has known issues and can prevent the file from downloading correctly. You can find workarounds online, but it’s easier to try another browser, like Chrome or Safari or Firefox. Do you have any of those? They are free to download. That would be the first step to fixing.
INTERNET CONNECTION: How is your internet connection? If it’s not hi-speed, that could cause the file to become corrupted during a download.
If it is hi-speed, perhaps your service provider was having a bumpy or overloaded event when you tried. If there is any “burp” in the internet service while downloading, that will cause the file to be corrupted. There is no way to predict this or to know when it is happening. The only thing to do is try again another time.
BEFORE you re-download, it’s very important that you delete the file(s) you have now, empty your trash so that the file is all the way off your computer, clear your cache (in your browser settings), and do a restart. Then download again.
If the download takes a very long time (it should take only a few minutes to download on a hi-speed connection), that is an indication that the internet service provider is not up to speed for the moment and you might need to try at another time.
COMPUTER: One other thought, if your computer goes into screen saver or any power saving mode automatically and it happens during a download, that could easily cause a corrupted file as well! You can shut-off your screen/power saver for the download, then turn it back on!
If these suggestions don’t solve your trouble, email Sally and she will help troubleshoot 🙂
If you are having trouble downloading your class notes PDF, make sure you have the most updated version of Adobe Reader. You can download Adobe Reader here.
You can also try downloading PDF’s using a different internet browser. We highly recommend Google Chrome. It’s a free browser you can download here: download Chrome.
Just login and go to your library. All of your purchases since October 16, 2013 are automatically there for you at all times. You can either watch online 24/7 or download your video(s) to your computer. For purchases prior to 10/16/13, please let us know if you would like these transferred to your online library.
There are a couple of things that could be happening here. The problem is likely either a browser issue or an internet connection issue.
BROWSER: What browser are you using? If Internet Explorer, IE has known issues. You can find workarounds online, but it’s easier to try another browser, like Chrome or Safari or Firefox. They are free to download. That would be the first step to fixing.
INTERNET CONNECTION: How is your internet connection? If it’s not hi-speed, that would cause the file to not play correctly when streaming.
If it is hi-speed, perhaps your service provider was having a bumpy or overloaded time period when you tried accessing the file. There is no way to predict this or to know when it is happening. The only thing to do is try again.
If these suggestions don’t solve your trouble, email Sally and she will help troubleshoot 🙂
It’s easy. Just click on Forgot your password on the Login screen. Follow the instructions. When you use the password reset feature, you get an email with a temporary password that can be used only once. When you login with this temporary password, you need to create a new permanent password right away. If you try to login more than once with the temporary password, you’ll need to do the reset process again.
First make sure that you don’t have more then one email account registered at If you do, let us know those addresses and we can merge your accounts.
If that isn’t the problem, contact us and let’s figure out what’s going on.
Note: Purchases prior to October 16, 2013 will not automatically be seen in your library. If you’d like us to transfer them, email us a copy your receipt and we’ll drop them in your library.
We hope you love all of your classes. If you don’t, let us know and we’re happy to honor our 100% refund guarantee within 30 days of purchase.