Podcast Interviews
Find Creative and Artistic Inspiration from 2019’s Best Crafting Podcasts and Interviews
CRAFTCAST with Alison Lee was first heard in March, 2006. Since then there have been almost 1 million downloads. Host Alison Lee talks to a well-known artist in their field and gets right down to the how, what and why behind each artist’s works. Thousands of listeners have written in to share how listening in to Alison’s interviews has sparked creative and artistic inspiration in their work. From paper to metal clay crafts and creations, Alison surely inspires creativity to her listeners. As Alison says at the end of every show, “Get Your Butt in the Chair and Keep Crafting!”
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Talking with Claudine Hellmuth!
Episode #120
It is always fun to talk with Claudine Hellmuth, lots of laughs and creative sharing. We cover a variety of topics from art to pets to crafting products and all the stuff in between! Thanks Claudine for sharing sometime with me! Also, books, music and even a favorite new TV show to discuss.
Talking with Maggie Macnab!
Episode #119
Symbols are in the news lately. Take for example the bestseller by Dan Brown, “The Lost Symbol”. (Which I loved!) I got to spend some time talking to Ms. Macnab about her new book, “Decoding Design” and the importance and meaning of symbols in our everyday life. Symbols and patterns, derived from nature appear in […]
Talking with Maggie Maggio and Lindly Haunani
Episode #118
Double your interview fun today with Maggie Maggio and Lindly Haunani. Ridiculously talented polymer clay artists, Maggie and Lindly, took on a joint book project to explore a topic that brings out the passion in both: COLOR If you’ve been shy around color, or are stuck in a “color palette” rut, this book has the […]
Talking with Sheri Gaynor
Episode #111
You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will.” ~George Bernard Shaw I love that quote. That’s the theme here at the CRAFTCAST studio and talking with my guest Sheri Gaynor got that party started!
Talking with Charles Lewton Brain
Episode #110
Talking with Mr. Charles Lewton-Brain was a major treat! After devouring his book, FoldForming, I was excited to talk one-on-one. Here is what Alan Revere, master goldsmith and award-winning jewelry designer, has to say about Charles: “He is one of the most knowledgeable, most celebrated and most accessible metalsmiths in North America. Above all, his most significant […]
Talking with Bronwen Heilman
Episode #109
Today I talk with Bronwen Heilman. I’m in love with Bronwen’s recycled art and her approach to creating, using what she discovers hunting around at thrift shops or her local bar. “My work explores the boundaries that I encounter in my daily life and the force it takes to go beyond these boundaries. I push […]