Talking with Mary Todd Beam

Talking with Mary Todd Beam

Episode #122

Mary Todd Beam, is a painter, a popular workshop instructor, a lecturer and lots of fun to chat with.

I came across Mary’s book, The Creative Edge, and was immediately obsessed with creative expression through acrylic paint!

Oh, so much to do and talk about.

Listen in to my chat with Mary as she talks about her creative process.

Also, books to discuss, music to hear, and new class announcements.

Celebrate Yourself

Creative Edge

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What people are saying

  • Thank you All  so much!  What a comprehensive, informative, And easy-to-follow Class!

    Most Enjoyable… beans! 

    Theresa A.

    Polymer Pins with Lynn Yuhr
  • Thank you for the venue. I learn something exciting from every video I watch.

    Cheryl C.
  • I love Craftcast! Thank you for all the wonderful classes, and for the inspiration. While I may not immediately create the classes’ projects, the learned techniques and tips are cherished and stored in my toolbox available to utilize at the right time.

    Rachel R