
Erin L. M. Harris

Erin L. M. Harris “likes to make stuff”. She is a born artist with a lifelong love of creating. The high school years produced several A+ science projects including models of a chicken embryo, zygotes and mitotic division, created in polymer and meticulously detailed.

Her discovery of metal clay in 2005 opened up a world of creative possibilities and helped Erin find her ultimate passion. Her education includes a Masters Degree in Social Work from the University of Vermont.

This background, coupled with the unexpected loss of a very special dog, led Erin to create the work she is best known for: memorial and commemorative jewelry. Erin creates reliquaries-wearable vessels that enshrine treasured relics of the past, each piece a tangible link to a cherished pet, a special place, a memorable day.

Find Erin online here:

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  • Thank you All  so much!  What a comprehensive, informative, And easy-to-follow Class!

    Most Enjoyable… beans! 

    Theresa A.

    Polymer Pins with Lynn Yuhr
  • Thank you for the venue. I learn something exciting from every video I watch.

    Cheryl C.
  • I love Craftcast! Thank you for all the wonderful classes, and for the inspiration. While I may not immediately create the classes’ projects, the learned techniques and tips are cherished and stored in my toolbox available to utilize at the right time.

    Rachel R