
Barbara Arrants

I have been working with metal clay for about 20 years now, having first dabbled in throwing pottery on a wheel. I started in metal clay first as a hobby to balance my working life as a trial and corporate attorney, and recently as a full-time artist after I retired from the practice of law.

I took the original PMC certification courses, and have since branched out into enameling, cutting the clay with a Curio machine, fusing glass cabochons, and bench jewelry metalsmithing. I love experimenting with materials and designs and especially pushing the boundaries of mixing glass and metal clay.

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  • Thank you All  so much!  What a comprehensive, informative, And easy-to-follow Class!

    Most Enjoyable… beans! 

    Theresa A.

    Polymer Pins with Lynn Yuhr
  • Thank you for the venue. I learn something exciting from every video I watch.

    Cheryl C.
  • I love Craftcast! Thank you for all the wonderful classes, and for the inspiration. While I may not immediately create the classes’ projects, the learned techniques and tips are cherished and stored in my toolbox available to utilize at the right time.

    Rachel R