Time to learn how to mix metal clays and create original organic patterns of color. We are thrilled to welcome master metal clay artist and innovator Hadar Jacobson to the CRAFTCAST family!
In this video class, Hadar will show you all you need to know to create these faux mokume gane earrings using a combination of metal clays.
Ms. Jacobson is known for her innovative techniques, creating impressive combinations of color and patterns with metal clay. You will be inspired at the possibilities you can create.
Bonus Videos include:
How to use a split/slotted mandrel sanding tool
Making custom extruder disks
PLUS Handout PDF that includes:
Understanding inside the extruder
Answers to the the Questions everyone want to know
Also in the handout: a jpeg of the earring template Hadar uses during class!
Don’t miss this special presentation!!
Included in your purchase is a PDF with photos, notes and online resources plus a class video to watch as many times as you like.
No experience necessary.
Please note: the PDF is not a stand-alone instructional booklet.
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