It’s October!
October 1, 2019
I love FALL! Actually I love every season… lol. But I really love nature’s colors and materials to play with. Pods, gourds, vines, and pumpkins...
I LOVE Tools 16
September 25, 2019
Time for I LOVE Tools, LIVE, October 23rd, 2019 at 7 pm ET. Join the discussion! Hi. I am new to Precious Metal Clay, but...
September Week 3 in the CRAFTCAST studio
September 24, 2019
I’ve been loving making flowers from Deco Craft clay. Working with hardly any tools and just my fingers is a great break from digital tools,...
Incredible (Edible) Embroidered Cakes!
September 11, 2019
I have a bit of a notorious sweet tooth. Not just anything will do, of course! It has to be pretty 🙂 And, oh my...
I LOVE Tools 15
February 7, 2019
Time for I LOVE Tools, LIVE, February 27th, 7:30 ET.Make sure and register to hold your spot and receive the recording, even if you can’t...
Welcome Home
January 10, 2018
I’ve been a bit preoccupied.I’ve moved, and I’m thrilled.I don’t usually post personal thoughts that go past creative inspiration and ideas for new online classes.But...