Alison, Congrats on the fab article in Belle Armoire Jewelry. Love the patina! I referenced Melanie Muir’s Rock Cuff Bracelet class in my article “One Size Fits All” in the same issue. Love taking CraftCast classes!
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Just wanted to thank you all for such a fun learning platform!!! The idea that I can come back to the classes from a different computer, even though I have downloaded at my office is kind!!! here’s to many successes and lots more learning!!
Thanks for the great class! and thank you too for hosting these wonderful artists. I love these classes.
I love Craftcast, thanks for having such quality learning materials.
Just purchased Seth’s Inro Tute and thought it was wonderful–he’s a fabulous teacher!
I love learning new techniques and it was now time to start exploring 960-clay. This is what came out from the inspiration I got from Lisel Crowleys class “Create elegant cuffs…